Angry and Confused

Angry and Confused

Postby Travis E » Fri Jan 12, 2007 11:17 am

About four and a half years ago, my soon-to-be-ex-wife and I were married, and I truly felt happy. I was about four years into the military(Navy), and had always felt strongly for her. When she expressed desire to be with me, I was overjoyed.

After an admittedly brief courtship followed by a month apart, I moved her with me to San Diego, and three months later, we were married.

Almost immediately, I noticed her desire to change me. I chalked this up to the "sacrifices and compromises" I had heard that marriage entails, and so I went with it. I got all new clothes, and, at her behest, took time away from my hobbies (drawing, writing, video games, and reading) to give her more attention.

Now comes the first major problem, pornography. I have always liked the aesthetic appeal of the feminine form, admittedly, but the few relationships I'd had before my marriage had fashioned me into a more reluctant pursuer than most, and I would while away errant sexual tension with pictures of naked women. I never really liked watching other people have sex, though.

My wife found a folder on my computer with the aforementioned material, which I hadn't hidden, and proceeded to lay into me about emotional infidelity. The pictures were deleted, and I had unwittingly given her her first trump card with which to diffuse any future protests I could lodge, but that comes later.

Next, came the issue of my female friend. I had known this woman for two years before my wife had even expressed interest in me. Pair that with the fact that I wasn't really attracted to her sexually, and the fact that she was dating one of my other friends, and you have a fairly platonic relationship, at least as far as I knew.

In the Navy, we are required to "stand duty" which comprised of being onboard for twenty-four hours every eight days to cover any of the various security watches we are required to stand. Since my friend was on duty during the same days, we hung out together. Needless to say, my wife had a problem with that, and so I stopped. A little while afterward, My friend gave me a ride home because my wife was an hour and a half late picking me up, and I couldn't reach her on her cell phone. Once my wife finally met up with me back at home, I explained how we missed each other, and she went ballistic. She slapped me, and claimed that I was cheating with my friend. After the all-night argument, I had given her yet another trump, and the next day I made up some ridiculous reason, and ended my friendship. Later, my wife acknowledged that her most of her previous relationships had ended because of her partners infidelity, but that didn't keep her from using it as a trump.

I had mentioned before that writing was a hobby of mine. During another perusal of the home computer, she came across some old writings (once again predating even the earliest semblance of our marriage) that were about me, and a fantasy woman. Long story short, another trump card, and the deletion of all of my earlier writing for good measure.

Now, to anyone reading this, it would seem that my wife was domineering, pushy, and unbearable, but we did have good memories as well, she was very caring, and we went on rides together, and we talked a good bit. The only really bad part was that if any conversation or situation began to sway out of her control, she'd play a trump, and I would bow out for fear of re-igniting the hellstorm those subjects had already proven to be. I think this practice made me start to tuck away a bunch of bad feelings...

Soon after, my wife became pregnant, and our life began to change in expectation of the new child. It became much more noticeable that the times I had to go for my job had placed strain on her, and I tried to make the time better for her by giving her all my attention, and to cope quietly with her mood shifts and the like. My least favorite of these was the seemingly random calls for a divorce. I would always talk her down, but it would come along again for the rest of the marriage. Unfortunately, this would also become tucked away.

Some of her friends from work (she had stopped working to keep from exposing the baby to harm) threw her a baby shower, and after a fun afternoon. We came home to one of the worst low points in our relationship. As soon as we crossed the threshold of the door, she let into me accusing me of desiring her friends. (We had had a similar conversation much earlier about my apparently 'wandering eyes" and I had long since acquiesced by looking at the ground when we were in public, and not speaking to any woman much more than a few sentences.) I attempted for a few hours to talk her down, and after seeming to find purchase, we went to bed.

Later that night, She woke me up with the same argument, and I had had enough at that point. I got up, and went outside the bedroom. This allowed her the opportunity to harangue me from the far side of the door with epithets that I never expected to hear from her because of her supposed Christian background. (I've only cursed at my wife on one occasion, but it isn't yet) That was it. I put my fist through the drywall outside the door.

This drove the fight to new levels and she threatened to call the police. I stupidly unplugged the closest phone, and tried to get her to calm down, as this was a soberingly new level of hysterics I was previously unaccustomed to. After she threated to walk out, barefooted, pregnant, and disheveled I stood in the doorway. After a few of the seemingly bottomless slaps that earned me, I told her to plug up the living room phone and call the police if that would keep her there, and she obliged. (The cell phone didn't have service in our apartment, just in case you were wondering)

When the cops arrived, I was handcuffed and incarcerated for CDV because apparently disabling the phone, and blocking the exit are illegal. I spent a few days in jail before the charges were dropped, and I went home. The Navy demanded that I have anger counseling at the family services building on base. There, I had my faults paraded out for me, and was told that my anger had no basis, but I swallowed it all. I was also told to enact a verbal contract with my spouse that entailed me having the right to postpone an argument to a specified time (not more than a few hours) to allow me to cool. I was skeptical of this because my previous attempts to walk away from arguments were seen as cowardice from my wife's point of view. My skepticism was duly placed apparently, as my first attempt to reschedule an argument led to me yeling (read: cursing) at her at the top of my lungs until she stopped talking, and then going to sleep on base to avoid more fallout.

After a few more arguments, it was finally close to the time for her to deliver the baby. I fought with the Navy to let me stay, but they assured me that I would be flown back as soon as labor started. that was also a lie, and I met my daughter when she was three days old.

Stupidly enough, I thought that the end of pregnancy marked the end of "The Fighting Time," as I had been apt to call it in my mind, but this was not the case. "The Fighting Time" was here to stay. A few months later, my wife found more pornography on my computer, and threatened to leave. While she and the baby were in another room, my frustration overcame me and I (stupidly) broke a window while throwing the folding chair in our room around. After more Family counseling, in which I was told that any aggression (from chucking things to hitting a pillow) was wrong, and I was obviously not adhering to the verbal contract I had made earlier.

The aftermath of this was that I worked hard to remain deadpan and stoic whenever an argument came up. I would even go out of my way to avoid them. Then I hit my wife for the first time.

I don't even remember what we were arguing about, but I put up my emotionless facade once again, and she decided to go to a new tactic to goad me, She called my mother a b*tch, and I slapped her on the right cheek.

If you will indulge me, my mother was murdered when I was twelve, and I was raised by my grandparents. My wife had never met my mother, ever. I will never be sorry for the slap I gave her for that.

After her attempt to appeal the situation to her family backfired, she and I made up, and we went back to the usual (read: clockwork) minor arguments.

Soon, it was time for me to get out of the Navy. I had had enough of missing my family, and I had one last deployment before I got out, so I sent her back to South Carolina so that she could have her family as a support, and she could find us a place to live when I got back. We had arguments about various minor things during that time, and she was disappointed that she could only get her old job as a waitress back. Sensing her distress, I ventured she should go to the nearby technical college and get some medical classes under her belt. (She always wanted to be a nurse)

When I separated from the military, I came home, and she had certifications in Phlebotomy and Medical Transcription. Now I had to find a new job, and that would spur the next terrible arguments. Namely, she wanted to be away from her family. She even threatened to leave if I didn't find a job in a new city. Fearing this, I took a new job in Charleston despite the travel involved because she was getting antsy with us living off of savings.

Once we had settled in, new contradictory arguments also came to roost. She wanted a job, and declared that she had an offer already, but turned it down because I wanted to move. She also declared that she missed her family, and was lonely because I had to travel with this job. After a few weeks of hearing these, I set to work. I performed a job search for her, wrote her resume, filled out her applications, put together an interview package, and walked her through a few dozen mock interviews after i got home from work. When she finally got a job at the local hospital, She seemed happy for a moment, but new concerns replaced those after my first road trip with the company.

Even before my first road trip, i had been searching for jobs I could move to and still make enough money to subsist, but most of the available jobs were either just like the job I had taken, or a severe decrease in pay. As he dissatisfaction grew, I began to devote more time, and money to her. I would watch the baby by myself to let her go out with friends, and I would work hard to allocate extra money to let her buy herself special things. I also take time to give her massages and I try to keep her from lifting a finger when I'm in town. Even after I am summarily dismissed, first from having sex, and secondly from even sleeping in the same bed, I continue to try to put a good face on things.

Fast forward a year to late 2006. I get a call at the hotel I'm staying in during a job in Gerogia, and she says she wants a divorce. I try to talk her out of it, by addressing her fears that I'm not looking for a new job, or that I don't sseem to love her anymore, but it's no go. I get home on the 22nd of december, and she tells me to get out. I tell her that I have to find somewhere to go, and she acquiesces, but I can tell she's still stewing. She lets little barbed comments slip from time to time, but I do my best to shrug them off.

Now it's Christmas, and this is the only other time I hit my wife, and the one I regret severely. We're driving back home to visit the family. My daughter is asleep in the backseat, and she says "I want you to move out when we get back." I don't snap at that point, but the straw is perched precariously over the metaphorical camel's back.

Later, she's driving, and doing one of my least favorite driving activities, text messaging and driving. I tell her to stop doing that while she drives, but she is indignant, and so I make a grab for the phone. (Stupid mistake #1) I don't quite get it, but manage to wrest it from her hands, and it tumbles to the floor. That's when it happens, She curses me, and I slap her in the mouth. (Stupid mistake #2). I don't know how, but my daughter manages to sleep through probably the worst argument I've ever had with my wife. Needless to say, the divorce is kinda engraved in stone now, but the story doesn't end there.

We don't have enough money for me to move out. She's addicted to psyhics. :( But we did see a lawyer. he explains to my wife that she has to be separated from me for a year to file for divorce because she has no other real legal grounds. I don't drink, do drugs, smoke, cheat or beat her up. (yes I told him about the slaps) I also take car of my child, and work hard to try to keep her with the Joneses. (within reason)

Now last night, my daughter is in her room, and finds a pink thong sized medium underneath her bed. I already grudgingly agreed to move out by January 22nd to enact the separation, but I think she may have planted the underwear to give herself a route directly to divorce. She vehemently denies this, but there's no other explanation I can come up with.

Now the real problem, despite everything, i love my wife very much. I've never really asked much of her except being there. The sex isn't even really important to me, but I fear it's over. You guys (and women, if you care to) can give me advice if you like, but I've been bottling this for a long time, and I really needed to vent more than anything.
Travis E
Posts: 8
Joined: Fri Jan 12, 2007 8:35 am

I hear you

Postby Scott Haltzman » Fri Jan 12, 2007 9:16 pm

Hi Travis,

I was really moved by what you wrote; you're an excellent writer. I was gripped.I especially appreciate your discussion of how you lost control(although I don't approve of what you did). It's so hard, isn't it, to keep all your emotions under wraps.

Believe it or not, Travis, many of the issues you talk about guys in the men's movement have been addressing for years, especially the court's insistance on sending men to anger management classes that don't allow for a discussion about the dynamics of a relationship. Steve Stosny, PhD, has illustrated some of the dynamics people losing control in relationships, and it comes from built up sense of loss of control (not a desire to be domineering) and built up resentment.

The problem with relationships with a husband's other women is pretty common also. My wife, also, isn't keen on me having friendships with women if they are not well entrenched friends of the family. There's not much gain for me in insisting on maintaining friendships that she doesn't approve of.

I address some of these issues in my book, and try to help men have definable goals in the marriage, instead of feeling like they are in a bizarre shell game in which, just when you think you've got it right, the pea keeps ending up inside another shell. When you are able to more clearly define goals (around demonstrating closeness to your wife) you feel more empowered in the relationship.

Thanks for your contributions to the site, though, Travis. You've got a lot of wisdom, and a lot of tough experiences. Check out Stosny, check out The Secrets of Happily Married Men. Keep us posted.


Please remember: THE SITE DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. The information about relationship, emotional, psychiatric, psychological disorders and treatments diseases contained on this website or through e-mail correspondence is general in nature and is intended for use as an educational and reference. NOTHING CONTAINED IN THE SERVICE IS INTENDED TO BE FOR MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS OR TREATMENT.
Scott Haltzman
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Postby Travis E » Sat Jan 13, 2007 4:03 pm

My wife found out about my endeavors to address my problems and salvage the divorce. With much scoffing She has taken it upon herself to inform me that she is now looking for ways to streamline and accelerate our divorce. I kept it cool despite the fact that I was boiling inside, but it looks like there's no hope. I don't want to entertain it too much, but maybe she has another man...

I guess I'll update again if something else happens.
Travis E
Posts: 8
Joined: Fri Jan 12, 2007 8:35 am

Postby ThunderHorse » Sat Jan 13, 2007 7:53 pm

Dear Travis,

First thank you for serving inthe Military for the Western World.

One of my beliefs is that if my wife starts to loose her temper, it is time for me to leave the home.

Many men I have talked to feel that they should stay in the home, regardless of a woman't verbal abuse.

I have it worked out ahead of time, that I am not going to make her jealous. I have a pager and a cell phone, if she wants to call me.

"You are being abusive, and I am going to a movie, shopping, get a loaf of bread, whatever."

It seems to me that you have been using unfair tactics in fighting. Grabbing and slapping. I suggest that you resolve to change your figting and arguing to be more fair. Further, to avoid putting yourself in situations with your wife, where you do not have a clear exit route.

My wife is fiesty and loses her temper. I drive separate cars when I go to lunch or dinner with her. I avoid my wife's relatives.

If I am at home with my wife, I have a clear plan to grab my pants and head out. I have sometimes headed out in my bathrobe, and that is inconvenient.

I tell my wife that she has a right to call the police and I have a right to a divorce.

You seem overly concerned about divorcing. I suggest you emotionally accept that possibility.

You don't have any strings to pull. You say you have no place else to stay, and have to stay in the house and listen to her nonsense,

You need an interrupter. Tony Robbins, NLP, talks about the power of interrupting in changing behavior.

"You are being unreasonable, and I am going out for a drive"

Usually I need to wait a couple hours, or till 4 AM the next morning, for my wife to calm down. Recently I came back after 20 minutes after leaving from her being verbally abusive. , I said, forcefully, "You owe me an appology for talking in an insulting manner!!!" I said that over a few times, and eventuallly she got calmed down.

If you love this woman, then you need to provide her some leadership. You have no temporary exit strategies and no interrupting plans.

It is your wife's job to fit the family expenses into the budget. You also need some money for having someplace to go when she is over the top. The nearest bar, library, AA Meeting Coffee Club, Motorcycle shop, someplace.

First Year's thread has some Divorce Buster Links. Have you read 180 Degree Divorce Busters? It soes not sound like you are applying the principles.

If she starts talking about Divorce, you should have a special interrupter strategy; "I am not going to discuss divorce because divorce is against God, and I am not going to cross God!" Have some plan for reading a book, or going to the library, or whatever.

You can change your woman's bad habits, but you need to stop your own bad habits first, and then develop some simple change, or interrupt, mechanisms to help your wife cure her bad habits.

Here is a Link to a post about Divorce Busters: ... ight=#1032

You need a plan for fair fighting with your occasionally intemperate wife.

If she goes off about Porn, you need to have an interruption plan for that too. You have all these guys taking viagra becoause they are scared to hear their wives scream about porn once in a while.

I put som DVD Strip Shows on the TV this morning, my wife rolled her eyes, I said, "What are you rolling your eyes about. As I get older I will need more exotic porn to get me going. This is tame stuff"
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Postby Travis E » Sat Jan 13, 2007 10:59 pm


I agree with you that I have a lot of problems to work on. Most of the things I talked about, (Well the pornography and the female friend) are far in the past for me, and the only time I hear about them is when I need to be "guilted" out of an argument. (edit: changed relationship to argument.)

I truly do not have enough money to move out. As hard as that is to believe, The problem with phone psychics is as real as it is expensive. I don't have much family where we live, and I don't have any close enough friends or coworkers to impose on them like that. Usually she has the car keys for our single car (As my current job forces me to travel Most of the time.)

There's not too much exit strategy besides going outside and ending up sleeping out there. (Or in Jail if I made too much fuss about trying to get back in after walking away from an argument in the first place. I make no excuses for resorting to base violence though. The reason I know I'll end up sleeping outside is from experience, after all. I get really mad during most if not all arguments, but I only succumbed to my failings those times I mentioned.

I do have one question though, During the CDV thing, do you truly think me wrong for blocking the door to keep a hysterical pregnant woman in a nightgown from storming off into the night? (Not the other stuff, just the door blocking)

I am also aware that this divorce is pretty much a sure thing, but that does nothing to dampen my desire to not get one. This is, at least in my opinion, not the same as not emotionally accepting it.

My anger issues are a huge problem though, as I previously stated, and I am determined to rectify it whether my marriage survives or not. Also, I would like to thank both you and Scott for the welcome input regardless of my seemingly defensive and unreceptive tone. I'm not the type to talk to friends or extended family about spousal problems, so this is really the first time I've actually managed to say everything I had to say.
Travis E
Posts: 8
Joined: Fri Jan 12, 2007 8:35 am

Postby ThunderHorse » Sun Jan 14, 2007 10:43 am

Dear Travis E,

You asked if blocking the door was wrong. I imagine that you did it out of LOVE, so it was not wrong in the sense of being without Love.

Blocking a door may be the best strategy in some circumstances. Generally, it will lead to furstration, and a feeling of being trapped. To generate Love, you need to give the partner the freedom to fail. Only by letting Love go, will you get Love back.

What they don't tell you about pregnant women, is that there are hormones radically changing their body and mind, and there will be times when a pregnant woman is exceedingly unreasonable. I don't mean just wanting ice cream at 2 AM. If your plan for dealing with an unreasonable woman is to block the door, You don't have much of a plan. You better watch as things progress and have effective safe tranquilizers on hand, or sleeping pills, or have a plan to get out of the house and have a relative or neighbor come to be with her.

You seem like you are being penny wise and pound foolish, on not having enough keys for cars and your house. First I would suggest developing a strategy for having extra keys.

If you left your house, as an exit stratgy, and wanted to see if your wife had changed to a better mood, you could open the door with your extra key, but being prepared to leave again.

You could have an account set up with a local cab service. You can get a cell phone for $15.00 per month, prepaid. I suggest that you get some exit and re-entry strategies better planned and prepared.

In additon to interruption, you should focus on motivational phrases for your wife. "Well we sure would like to be able to afford the best oportunities for our daughter as she is becoming a teenager, and going to college, or grad school." Divorce is asking you to go find some other family to which to become devoted.

Your wife is probaly using the words "divorce" as a means of expressing her frustration, or attempting domination over you. She starts talking about divorce and you become submissive.

Last night, I got home before my wife. My wife talks about divorce when she is getting fiesty. I was sitting at the kitchen table reading the newspaper, and I had finished eating some food in a tupperware lightweight plastic dish. I accidentally knocked the plastic dish on the floor, it landed right-side up. When my wife came home, she saw there was some splatter drops of sauce on the floor, and she started speaking in disrepsectful and complaining tones.

My wife continued complaining bitterly, and I asked her if she was in a bad mood. She kept on, and I pointed out that I had spent 4 hours helping her get a new piece of unneeded furniture, yesterday, and it had not taken her two minutes to clean up my minor spill. My wife kept on, and I said to her, "Well you seem to be in a bad mood, I'll just go out for a drive, and come back in a little while, and see if you are in a better mood." I drove down to the 24 hrs 7-11, and sat in the car for about 20 minutes. My beeper sounded, and it was our family home phone number, our signal that she wanted me to come home.

So I drove home, and she was smiles and everything was OK. We discussed the issue, that I had not walked away from my mess, or allowed the drops to get hardened on the floor. I said I was not sorry, because my dropping the dish was an accident. I thanked her for cleaning up my mistake. I pointed out that we should be displaying joy and fun in doing family chores, as an example to our College son, who is lax in picking up and cleaning. I acknowldged that neither of us likes cleaning, but we should find a way to make it fun, and not a matter of bitter resentment.

Spending time with your partner is usually an important part of a relationships. So if you spend time away, you may want to put in extra effort to go aong with her when she is doing HER things. I should probably comprmise and do more things with my wife, than I do. My wife spends alot of time at church, and I could go along with her more times than I do.

Where is your nearest Mini-storage facility? You could have a combination on a locker wtih a combination brief case or safe, so you are not caught short of extra keys or ID or credit cards, etc. Maybe a strong box in a neighbor's back yard. Maybe a postal box. What could work for you 24 hrs? Pretend you are a Navy Seal and need to set up someplace fairly secure to re-group. Just occasionally check on your re-group point to see if it has been compromised, then improve it. Does not have to be fool-proof. A Locking suitcase with a change of clothes in a neighbor's shed, whatever.
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