Please Help

Please Help

Postby jenGreen » Wed Mar 28, 2012 3:32 am

I have been married for 6 years, and have known my husband for 15 years (since college). A little over a month ago I looked at his phone and I saw a photo of another woman. I panicked and looked at his email when he left for work. What I found was a few sex emails to this woman detailing what he wanted to do with her and what he thought of her. But there was another email account that he was using for all their recent conversations, and I never got to see what was inside, he had deleted everything. He had been doing this for 10 months.

I confronted him about it but he lied and denied there was anything there. And he continued to lie and make things up the more I confronted him about it. I believe he did'nt sleep with her and this was some kind of emotional affair only. He said that he needed someone to talk to and that he was'nt dealing with the fact I had MS very well.

He told me he was a virgin when we got together (he never told me this until now). Over the last couple weeks he has been telling me everything. But the one thing I want to that is killing me, is I want to know everything he said to her, and I want to know all the details. I can't move on, and I don't know how I could without knowing this. Is this normal? I feel obsessed!

I don't know this man anymore. I don't know what to believe. I love him, but I'm also so mad at him, and I hate what he has done to me.

I found out I'm preganant (all of this happened before I found out about him), and I just wish I never got myself into this situation. Things would be so much easier. I have MS and I'm pregnant, and I feel like I would be alone for the rest of my life if I left him.

I don't know what to do. Please help me :(

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Joined: Wed Mar 28, 2012 3:14 am

Re: Please Help

Postby ThunderHorse » Sat Sep 22, 2012 7:32 am

By MS, do you mean Multiple Sclerosis?

I searched Web MD.

One part of pregnancy is intensified emotions. So you may have days when you are more upset by your husband's contact with other women.

One issue, is that a wife needs to vent, to think through the feelings of daily challenges.

One of the suggestions in the Secrets of Married Men is for the husband to Listen. Do you have times when your husband can take time to listen to your venting your frustrations?

Married men have contact with other women. Some contacts are more or less supportive to the husband. As a husband, I try to keep my contacts within a bounds to be considerate to my marriage.

Do you feel you have made your point, and that your husband is cutting back his contacts with the woman?

Certainly it is easy to understand that you are curious about all the words spoken, and in the deleted E-mails. But if you have made your point, it is sometimes best to let a subject drop, if you have made your point.

Is your MS interfering with any aspects of marital bliss? Have you found any creative alternative expressions of affection? How is your pregnancy?

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