Trying to rebuild, but unsure how

Trying to rebuild, but unsure how

Postby dcturn » Mon Oct 05, 2015 8:28 am

In April (it's now October) I pressured my wife into a threesome with another woman. Just to be clear, we've had threesomes before, but they were always at my wife's planning. I admit being in the wrong on this -- I pushed her into it, but now all I hear is how much more I wanted the other woman than my wife and how much I showed passion for that woman that I've never shown my wife. We have been married 18 years, and admittedly, I've given my wife plenty of reasons to leave, including addictions to porn and alcohol (neither is a problem now). I want to put April behind us, and so does my wife, but she keeps telling me how heartbroken she is and that if I don't change from the person I was -- which I'm willing to do, I'm certainly willing to be a better person -- she will leave me in January (with our 8-year-old). My biggest concern is that I try being close to her, kissing her more, telling her how good she looks, spending more time with her, but she says that's all stuff i did before April. That's stuff I did to the woman I betrayed. She needs to feel like a wife whose husband would never betray her. I honestly don't even know where to begin, but I desperately want this to work.
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