About 1 week ago, after I did something 'stupid' my wife broke down and told me that she thinks life would be easier without me. It was the shock of a lifetime, as I honestly thought we had an almost perfect marriage. We have 2 young kids, a beautiful home, lots of love and happiness.
For the last 2 years, she's been progressively feeling that I've lost some of my good qualities that made her fall in love with me. I've been more short tempered, I can be condescending towards her, and my naturally introverted personality has evolved into me being less outgoing as the years have gone by.
When she said "life would be easier without you" I instantly knew what she was talking about. For example, if I'd loose my temper while driving, she'd ask why I let these little things bother me? I've often heard her say, during conversations or arguments "why do you talk so condescendingly towards me?". I've seen some of my bad habits come out in the way my oldest daughter speaks to her at times. It kills me to hear my eldest daughter speak to her mother that way, and I know it's behavior that was learned from me.
There are a few other aspects of my personality that I know I've failed her with. When she finally let it out, telling me that it was serious to the point that she may not want to be married to me anymore, it's like something flashed before me. I instantly saw hundreds of moments in the last few years where I screwed up - from big to small. I can't fully explain it, but it's like a light bulb when off in my head, and it was clear.
I've changed these traits in the last little while (only 7 days since she made her feelings known), but now she's angry with me that it was so easy for me to see the problems, and wonders why I let them get to that point?
I love her dearly, and have no idea what to do now. She feels a knot in her stomach if I try to kiss her. She's the most funloving, free spirited, happy, strong, independent, loving and well balanced person I know. I hate myself for letting things get this far, but I don't know what to do at this point. I don't think she believes that the changes I made are genuine or that they will last. She does not believe that I've changed for good, and that I won't revert to the hurtful ways once things are going smoothly again.
There are other things we (wife and I) need to work on, but I'm out of kleenex and need more coffee.
Thanks for listening, just typing this is helpful!