My marriage is torture. My wife has given up on me.
I fell in love with my wife about 12 years ago. Things were great. I really did truly love her with all my heart. Soon into our relationship she started putting pressure on me to distance myself from anything that wasn’t her. This included my family and all time spend with friends. My family lives on the other side of the country and she would complain able having to visit them once a year. Soon, I wasn’t taking trips to visit my family because I didn’t want to upset and stress her out. She also started showing signed of insecurity by not wanting me to spend time with my friends. So I slowly stopped doing that. I soon found months and years had gone by without having anyone else in my life but my wife. I considered this a sacrifice worth making at the time. We got married about ten years ago and my life seemed ok for a couple of years. Then as work stress accumulated I started drinking heavily. Every day I would drink from the time I got home to the time I went to bed. This continued for years as I slipped into heavy alcoholism. The alcohol not only impacted my health but our relationship. I replaced communication and intimacy with alcohol for years. A few years after I became an alcoholic we decided to have a daughter. We had trouble getting pregnant so we had to see special doctors (it was my problem). We eventually got luck and conceived a daughter. But the drinking continued for another three years until I got a DUI. The DUI was probably the best thing that could have happened since it forced me to stop drinking and get help, which I did. When I was busted I asked my wife for help and she declined, citing evidence that she would just be enabling me, she said ‘no’. I wanted support, advice and companionship, but I got nothing. Since I stopped drinking I have found that I am in a failed and empty marriage. My wife has emotionally abandoned and given up on me. So I have no friends, no family and my wife does not love me anymore. The pressures of work have gotten far worse with the economy. I have no escape with alcohol, I come home to a wife that resents me, does not respect me, shows no compassion, respect or trust towards me. I cannot find much positive in our relationship.
We put up with each other and try to not fight but we haven’t really had any real intimacy in about six years. We haven’t had sex in about three years. We haven’t slept together ourselves in about five years. I fear our marriage is basically over.
As I stumble through recovery and recognize our marriage is broken I have tried to get her to go to counseling. She has refused. I have asked if we could talk about our marriage. She said she does not want to talk about ‘those things’…ever. So here I am, stuck in a marriage with a wife that doesn’t like me. I want to have some reasons to love my wife but I can’t find many. The only reason we are still married is that we have a daughter, we have financial ties together and I’m scared of giving up on us. But I honestly don’t know what to do. She doesn’t want to talk about or work with me to get help. What should I do next?