My wife & I have been struggling for a few months & I asked her to go to couples therapy with me. (I should have reread the beware therapy section of Scotts book) We have been married 16 years. I explained my point of view but when she explained hers but it was lies & gross exagerations. She told the therapist that I was physically & emotionally abusive. I have never struck my wife & cringe at the thought. I did throw a remote control once, about 10 years ago but not at her. I played baseball so if I had wanted to hit her I would have. She said I yell at her. Which is true but normally only after she has yelled at me.
The therapist then asks me which of my parents was abusive. He had known me 30 minutes! My folks were married 62 great years & rarely argued. I remember they would alway spend 30 minutes after my Dad got home from work just to talk about the day; kids were to stay out. Talk about good communication. Anyway, the therapist took her word for everything. When I tried to tell my side, he said I was in denial. I left shell shocked.
My wife said that I move her around the country every 5 years to keep her from making friends & to isolate her. We have moved twice in 15 years & the last move was because she hated where we were living & she had no good friends. It seems like she must blame me for whatever is bothering her.
My problem is that I love this woman & until this therapy would never had considered divorce. Now I'm not so sure. It was 2 days ago & she refuses to talk about it, she is thinking it over.
Has anyone experienced anything like this? Is she just trying to 'win' at therapy.
Can anyone top this for a bad therapy experience?