Breifly, I love my wife, very very much. But on the same note I volunteered for Iraq to get away. I felt the creepy crawlies of "grass looking better on the other side." I cam to Iraq and after 7 months I wrote her a letter and told her the truth about what I had done and why I had volunteered for this mission as opposed to a stateside mission. Just the fact that I had broken the ice was a hurtful but bonding experience. Being honest about the hours and hours looking for free porn. or eye balling every beautiful women. "Never touched, but my thoughts didn't leave much for imagining." Just being honest with her about it was a bit liberating. But, now after being away for 11/15 months i feel so disconnected. I found out an Ex boyfriend came by and kissed my wife, she was very honest to tell me that and I appreciate her honesty, but the jealously/violence giant is roaring inside me. I feel hurt and angry, I feel like I should say more than "thanks for being honest with me... I'm frustrated, but what am I going to do here in Iraq." I've lost sleep over this preanalyzing every prior conversation over the past few months. Thinking of the subconcious background noises and driving myself batty. I'm feeling disconnected, Like I don't know the right questions to ask. I read the bank and credit card statement like it is a window into my wifes life. Phone conversations are along the lines of I miss you, I love you, I cannot wait to be with you, Is there anything going on, No, How is the dog, Fine, How is work, OK, And then I'm like OK I'll call you when I can wich is about once every 10 days. I read the book. It sounds great, but my wife and I love each other, but I've become such a different person, maybe it is the toils of combat and combat related stress, But it just seems like I don't know my wife right now at all and that hurts a lot.
Maybe this should be posted on the infidelity board, but Roles and Job seemed relevant when I started writing this. I don't know. I'm really just frustrated.
Wherever this post goes is fine, I just need a backboard. Guys in combat aren't the ones you realy want to talk with about your wife, since it starts a downward spiral of negativity towards women.