by j.l.horwitz » Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:03 pm
Is it possible for your wife to go from saying she loves you, and wants to spend the rest of her life with you, to saying she wants a divorse 1 month later then showing you such hate and disgust that you cannot be around her without her being mad. She has filed for divirce. She sees a therapit, and always acts happy, specially around our son, but says she is unhappy and needs me out of her life. She says she deals with emotions, but I have not seen j=her be anything but happy, or mad at me for anything I do or say. How can this be? There has got to be more to the story, but she claims there isnt. She sees a therapist, but wont say why. She says there is always a chance of reconsiliation, but it is not probable. Such a dramatic shift, in such a short time. How can that be? Is it real, or a plea for help? Is it covering up infidelity? Help me out here, I'm not sure what to do. If I cooperate, I lose everything and she can be lieing to me, or there might be a possibility for us being back together again. I just cant put this puzzle together and it is driving me insane and making me miserable.