by socialdistortion » Sat Nov 16, 2013 10:27 pm
Dear Chabugga,
A coupon book? Great idea but there are a few fundamental issues with your post. First, you are asking the wrong population for advice. You should be asking women for ideas, not men (males really have no clue about what women need). Now let’s get to YOUR current ideas so far…
1. A variety of massages (great idea as long as she actually feels like being touched and you don’t expect sex afterwards).
2. Unlimited hugs (great idea as long as she actually feels like being touched and you don’t expect sex afterwards).
3. Win an argument (are you only giving her 1 coupon for this one?).
4. Cook dinner (this implies that you do not normally do this. It does not sound like it would not even taste good. How about 352 coupons to wash the dishes and unload the dishwasher).
5. An hour of silence (from you or the kids?).
6. A day at the spa (good one, as long as you don’t mind someone else touching her).
7. A coupon to do anything she wants (again, only 1 coupon?).
I recently went to a talk where a couple with a toddler asked a marriage expert how soon the husband should take over the duties of watching the child after he gets home from work. The speaker advised the wife to let her husband have some time to unwind after work before he jumps into watching the kids. Only a man would give this advice. The worst, most demanding and exasperating job there has ever been is watching toddlers all day long. Trust me, your wife is watching the clock all day waiting for you to come home so she can get a break. Assume that the second you walk in the door ‘tag-your-it’ for 2 solid hours. You can renegotiate this one as soon as your youngest turns 4 years old. If you want time to unwind, take the long way home!
Here are some better ideas-
1. Numerous amounts of “Not tonight Dear, I have a headache” coupons
2. A coupon to take all those kids out to dinner by yourself so she can take a bath.
3. A coupon to do all the grocery shopping with a list and the kids at least once a month.
4. Numerous coupons offering to bathe, read books and put all the kids to bed by yourself.
5. A coupon to allow her to watch her favorite show, uninterrupted one night a week.
6. An hour of silence from you and the kids.
7. 10 blank coupons that she can fill out herself (5 of which you can reject or revise).
Again, cute idea.
Social Distortion