I have read almost all the posts on My wife hates me and communications
My wife is like a roller coaster never know what's coming around the next bend. Here some info on our life; Married 10+yr 2 kids, we did invitro for both. I was in lock step with her in both pregnancies. We just had our second child and what a joy they are. She took 9months off from work(teacher) and she had some complications been right there for her, always by her side. Post partum could be an explanation for her behavior but it’s been going on before kids, just got worse. Called her doctor to see if she is showing symptoms of post partum and the doc does not see any problems.
Around the house this is what I do; dishes( no dishwasher), most of the vacuuming 80/20, and all the mopping. Clean both the bathroom and kitchen she just dusts 4 rooms and hallway. After I'm done she inspects my work and always makes some complaint never a compliment. I call her a drill instructor; I swear exactly like them, she would be a good one. Give the kids baths she has maybe twice with my son. So that's some issues. She also makes almost double as teacher and I'm an electrical engineer , always make sure I her it(how she makes more). Is marriage supposed to be a contest, when I made more never even thought of saying anything.
Since meeting her, my family and friends have all distanced themselves from us. She admits to be judgmental, argumentative, and having a short temper, she actually said that during one of our arguments about not hanging the clothes up correctly (yes I fold laundry it’s 50/50). Now, she is under a lot of stress her mom has stage4 lung and is not doing well, father is possibly senile or in my opinion just lazy, incontinent, will not where depends, poops himself tells no one then sits on my furniture, pee his paints, smell like urine/barn but his doc says he's fine. Their house is infested with flees and one day my boy came home with 12 flee bite, I took pictures and saved them. I told her never to bring them to her parents unless the flee problem was fixed, she still does. I offered to pay to have an exterminator but they refused, there is no flee problem. Brought both kids to the doc to document it and later she said it was from the sand box to the doc. I did bombed their house sprayed etc.. What I'm saying is I would not tell her something without offering a solution.
She is home 3 days a week with the kids. 2 of the days the oldest goes to daycare and the baby is easy. The weekends, as of late, I watch the kids while she goes shopping, depending how I question her she calls it work or fun(food shopping is work, Wal-Mart, Target etc=fun). I do not have any hobbies anymore( Use to ski, shoot skeet, and target shoot pistal, ham radio) The kids are easy the oldest plays while the baby sleeps or gets a bottle. I do get to watch my sports and am stress free, except for not having some time for me, take what I can get.
Now she starts arguments with me for the stupidest things; I left particles of food in the sink after doing the dishes, I put new attic stairs in but have not had time to paint them, she asks why aren't they done yet? Simply you have not allowed me the time to complete them;” it should take you 20min.” Ok then if it’s that easy you do it. My mistake to stand up to her. Change the subject you made the bed up wrong,(we sleep in separate beds, this is her bed she’s yelling about), you fold the face clothe wrong, you put the kids clothes away messy, I still see dirt on the floor after vacuum and mopping, why does it take you so long to shovel that driveway. I wake up at 4:30am and go to work come home and work just as hard at home until 9 to10:30pm. During the week day she does get up and do the night time feeding but she sleeps in until 8am. She does not mow the lawn, shovel the driveway, change the oil, fix the cars etc... She does the bills and complains how much work it is because I do not give her receipts, (every penny I spend is monitored). I offer to do the bills, lived on my own for 10yrs before her and never missed a bill. No No no… then I did it anyway and found she siphoned off money to her parents. She’s quick to point out I have ADD, plus depression. Today though as nice as can be, roller coaster.