My husband and I have been married for 5 years in November. It has been a roller coaster of emotional upheaval throughout most of our marriage. We have a 3 1/2 yr old daughter and I am 6 months pregnant. While I have my faults and I freely admit to them I cannot seem to please my husband no matter what I do. He claims that I willfully refuse to do the "few small things" he asks, while I am sure I do. He wants a clean home, while admittedly not the best housekeeper in the world I manage to keep things clean. It is not good enough for him and he constantly criticizes my efforts. He wants dinner every night, something with meat. I was raised vegetarian, and while I have "converted" I still don't like a huge meal at night, preferring my big meal at breakfast. I have adjusted to his desires here making meals designed with him in mind. Example: Sunday homemade from scratch pizza with ground beef, pepperoni, green peppers, etc. Monday: Haddock Chowder with homemade cornbread, Tuesday: Steak tips with tortollinni and green beans, Wednesday: Steak Chilli and soft rolls. While I do love cooking I don't like feeling like I HAVE to make these elaborate meals every night. If I make something simple or from a pre-packaged meal like Betty Crooker meals or something I get nothing but complaints. That is one example.
Another: I do all his laundry including all his ironing. Since his job requires he dress in a suit and tie daily there is a lot. I just started working part time so I haven't had the time at home lately to keep up with the laundry on a daily basis like I did. Big complaints about that. While he tells me often that he would do it himself, he makes it clear that if he did our marriage would be over.
Another: He demands (no, not overstating) that I do not contradict him when punishing our daughter. While I agree with this in most forms he can be very cold and cruel at times. Last night she was having trouble going to sleep, which is normal, and he burst into her room and told her to go to sleep. She burst into tears and said "Daddy you hurt my feelings" he had no sympathy. Granted I wasn't in the room, but he said something along the lines of I don't care about your feelings and to suck it up. Did I mention he is a former marine? This is something he's always telling her and something I don't agree with. She's 3. As he was saying this to her I said his name in a quiet voice to remind him to think about what he was saying and he did. He didn't apologize but he did say more appropriate things. When he came out of her room he turned on me like a dog after a squirrel and started yelling at me about how I don't respect him and how he's told me over and over not to contradict him and I sat there in complete shock. He kept screaming at me and calling me the most awful names and then blamed me for getting him in that state. I was not responding very much although I did try to yell back since in my experiencce of our years together it is the only thing that will get him to back off. If I am louder. But this is very very stressful to me and being very pregnant I started having stress induced BH contractions. So he was yelling at me that I was giving him a heart attack and I said he needed to leave me alone unless he wanted me to lose the baby. He hasn't spoken to me since and that was last night. He left before we woke up this morning and didn't return or answer any of my calls during the day. Walked through the door and greeted Jordan, totally ignoring me. I made spaghetti since I didn't know when he would be home. He walked the dog, and all the other stuff he does completely ignoring me. He's spoken to me once to ask if the dog was fed. This is a different type of stress and it is affecting me physically. I tried to speak to him but after being ignored decided it was better to let sleeping dogs lie. I don't know what he's thinking - but he has said several times in the heat of anger and again last night that he is only going to stay in this marriage until 6 months after the baby is born and then he's done. He claims that I have given him all this stress and raised his blood pressure so that he has to take medication. Again, I am not perfect but I never try to cause him stress. I think we much just be too different. I can never predict him. He is always right, no matter what and any questioning of him is disrespectful.
Honestly I've been depressed about this for a long time and have stayed because I felt it best for our daughter. Honestly though this spring I was done. Then we had sex once in like 4 months and bam I"m pregnant. That is the only reason we aren't separated now. We have tried to make it work since but it just seems to spiral downward. I had begun to think things were working out until last night. Apparently I was dead wrong. I'm completely lost now and don't know what to do. Hormones aren't helping.