i am married to the most wonderful guy. Not perfect but no complaines.
He generous with gifts even though not rich.. diamonds, travel abroad, just ask and he will try to give.
He is wonderful father and the kids love him and I love him too.
I am turning 52 and married 25 yrs.
Suddenly I met someone married and fall in love at sight. Can't sleep, cant eat, just thingking about him, praying that he will feel the same.
The worst thing is I know I will lose everything.. nice beautiful house, wonderful kids, great loving husband, move another country.
Not one, one good reason why to leave. And yet given a chance (I asked deep in my heart) if he feel the same like me, i will turn my back to all what I have and earned all these years and be with him even for few years.
I am what you call a brain in the head, smart, reliable, decent, wonderful mom, loving and caring housewife.
Why?? because for so many years I have not have these feeling of being high school again, young silly woman in love.
So what.. I will be 60 in few years why not enjoy my remaining few youngger years.
Am I not normal??