Hi everyone
I'm new here and I've been going through your posts and thought I'd reply to this one.
Firstly, to Elizacon, congratulations and I applaud your tenacity. I, myself, have had that little hiccup in my marriage during the 19th -20th year and the last year has been a roller coaster ride for us,with lots of low, despairing points but, I'm happy to say, we've come through. It's a long, complicated story, I'll save the details for another time if anyone is interested, in fact, I want to write a post under infidelity later on (that should give you a hint
What I want to say now though is that going through all of that has made us stronger and I have been able to see the many ways that I contributed to our problems, mainly by not understanding my husband and his needs, which btw he never communicated to me.
So, with that in mind, I want to say that I wish every husband would tell his wife exactly what he needs from her, it would certainly save a lot of time and unnecessary guessing on our parts. I appreciate that not everyone is the same and certainly some of the needs may not be viewed by the woman as necessary at all, in the same way that husbands view their wives needs as sometimes over the top, especially when it comes to emotional needs. I know my husband wants to take off in another direction when I get emotional... he just doesn't handle it well.
However, I think if we know what you want, we'll be better equipped to handle those needs, even if its hard for us to supply them. We could at least understand why you react the way you do sometimes. The most frustrating thing about my husband for me.. and I'm learning now that most men are like that.. is the stonewalling, the shutting off. I find it very painful because those are the times I need to feel close, I want to understand what he's thinking and feeling, but its like this giant wall has gone up and I'm beating myself against it but it prevails. I understand its his way of dealing with things, but for me its almost like he's protecting himself from me and that, for me, shouts loudly that he doesn't want to give me all of his heart. He's afraid of being vulnerable to me. Anybody else feel this?
Anyway, Thunderhorse, you seem to have a sense of humor, a lil twisted, but you have a formula there... you give what you want to get. Its a little bit like how we women think.. we give what we want (at least most of us do). I know its dumb but somewhere along the line, I hate asking for what I want, I give more of it, hoping he'll catch on and give it back. I've learnt that formula doesn't work for us. I need to be specific because he has a very logical, analytical mind and he doesn't do the intuitive thing too well. He's not going to "see" that I need something the way I "see" his needs (the obvious ones) or the kids' needs. We don't think alike at all and I need to accept that I have to work harder at not expecting things from him that he's just not wired to give.
I will add though, that, as a housewife and mother, I have not felt appreciated very much either. I do lots of things everyday, make lots of sacrifices that have by and large gone unnoticed and I have felt taken for granted alot. Over the years my husband has seldom thanked me or praised me for lots of things.. in fact most times it was only about what I'd cooked or baked. So, it works both ways, do you thank your wife for ironing your shirt , fixing your breakfast or fixing you a good meal? Or does that all fall into her duties as a wife and it ought not to be something to be grateful for? You see, a wife could believe that its her husband's job to take care of, for instance, the car. She may not feel that she has to thank him each time, anymore than he may feel that he ought to thank her for ironing his shirt. Am I making any sense here? I'm sure there are people out there who think this way... I'm not saying its right, its obvious we all need to work a little more towards expressing gratitude and showing appreciation for even the little things.
Over the last year, my husband has actually told me thank you for fixing him lunch everyday when I give him is lunchbag before he heads out the door. Because of the effort he's making, it doesn't bother me if he forgets one day cause he's late and rushing out the door... I know he appreciates it. Its a whole lot more than I got in the first 19 years of marriage.
So, to all you struggling out there, take a page out of Elizacol's book... don't give up, the fight isn't over until you do. From my own experience, somewhere over the mountain you may be facing now, is a beautiful vista and giving up the climb means you'll never get there.
God bless you all