Praying Together to Set Priorites

A few weeks ago, I had a disgreement with my wife, and to express my frustration, I refused to pray with her. We had prayed off and on together, and I parayed with her more to please her.
This morning my wife was complaining about some bad luck we had encountered. We have several options to consider, none of the options are really ideal. So it is selecting between several, less-than-ideal options.
After listening to my wife's complaints for a while, I suggested that we pray. I lead the prayer, while holding my wife's hand. She was seated, I was standing. I prayed for wisdom for God to help us to choose the best option, and listed out several of the options.
My wife seemed encouraged by my spiritual leadership. Asking for wisdom is in the Book of Solomon, in the Old Testament, if my memory is correct
Chapter 10 in THE SECRETS OF HAPPILY MARRIED MEN has a section on "It's All About Values". I am indirectly telling my wife what I want to do with the situation, by listing the options, so she can see why I am choosing the option I desire. But I am not rushing to impliment my decision. I am letting her participate, and I am taking time to let her come to see my point of view.
My seletion of an option is not so important to me, that I cannot change my decision, if my wife has some strong feelings about a differetn, particular option. My wife has been wringing her hands and dragging her feet. I am of the opinion that if bad luck happens, you treat yourself extra good. I believe I should reward myself for doing good. If something bad happens, when I am doing good, that is just the Book of Job.
Trials come up to try to shake your faith, and convince you that it is a waste of time, or futile, to do good. So maybe another part of the prayer could be, to ask God to show us blessings to recognize that our good efforts, where bad luck was encountered, were Holy, Valiant and Correct, and deserving of Blessings.
This morning my wife was complaining about some bad luck we had encountered. We have several options to consider, none of the options are really ideal. So it is selecting between several, less-than-ideal options.
After listening to my wife's complaints for a while, I suggested that we pray. I lead the prayer, while holding my wife's hand. She was seated, I was standing. I prayed for wisdom for God to help us to choose the best option, and listed out several of the options.
My wife seemed encouraged by my spiritual leadership. Asking for wisdom is in the Book of Solomon, in the Old Testament, if my memory is correct
Chapter 10 in THE SECRETS OF HAPPILY MARRIED MEN has a section on "It's All About Values". I am indirectly telling my wife what I want to do with the situation, by listing the options, so she can see why I am choosing the option I desire. But I am not rushing to impliment my decision. I am letting her participate, and I am taking time to let her come to see my point of view.
My seletion of an option is not so important to me, that I cannot change my decision, if my wife has some strong feelings about a differetn, particular option. My wife has been wringing her hands and dragging her feet. I am of the opinion that if bad luck happens, you treat yourself extra good. I believe I should reward myself for doing good. If something bad happens, when I am doing good, that is just the Book of Job.
Trials come up to try to shake your faith, and convince you that it is a waste of time, or futile, to do good. So maybe another part of the prayer could be, to ask God to show us blessings to recognize that our good efforts, where bad luck was encountered, were Holy, Valiant and Correct, and deserving of Blessings.