H Wishes

H Wishes

Postby ThunderHorse » Sun Oct 25, 2009 5:16 am

I have things I wish my wife and other family members would change. Some of the changes are for their betterment, some of the changes are to suit my convenience, comfort or economy.

I would like my wife to spend pleasant time with me doing household chores. As it is, my wife dilikes housework, and only does housework when company is coming, or it is late in the eveneing, and she is rushing to go to bed, and has a motivation not to go to bed with things disorganized, or too dirty.
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wish for change

Postby Scott Haltzman » Sun Nov 01, 2009 7:05 pm


At least you have the insight to recognize that just because you wish for things to change, doesn't mean that others should feel responsible for making that wish come true. I think my wife's list of "wishes" for standards I should meet are longer than my wishes for her. But, if you were to ask here, I think she'd say just the opposite!
Scott Haltzman
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Re: wish for change

Postby ThunderHorse » Wed Nov 04, 2009 10:39 am

Scott Haltzman wrote:T-horse,

At least you have the insight to recognize that just because you wish for things to change, doesn't mean that others should feel responsible for making that wish come true. I think my wife's list of "wishes" for standards I should meet are longer than my wishes for her. But, if you were to ask here, I think she'd say just the opposite!

Yes, I realize that my wife, and most women, feel that t heyare more reaonable than men.

Today, a contractor, whom I had called, came by to give us a price to fix the heater for our small home. So my wife graciously discussed the issues, but refused to sign the contract. So I will wait and bring it up agian in a few days. So I am wishing for a new heater for the winter.

How we wil pay for the heater is one issue. Another issue is if this is the best contractor to do the work. Another issue is when the work should start. Another issue is when should we give the contracter the deposit.

I at least need my wife's agreement to the extent that she will agree to let the workmen in the house. If she throws the workers out of the house, then it will be hard to get the work done. Maybe I can schedule the work for my day's off.

It sometimes takes months for me to feel I have given her adequate oportunity to come up with alternatives, and go ahead aginst her wishes.

Posts: 636
Joined: Mon Jul 31, 2006 6:10 pm

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