Let me jump from my confession blog: http://www.secretsofmarriedmen.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=357 over to the conflict communication that just happened. Finally after reading the chapter on Conflict Communication, I decided to air my issues with what my wife was doing to our relationship. We were both respectful and "called each other out" when we were being unfair. As much as I still hurt it felt good to get my current pent up feelings and thoughts out to her so she knew where I stood. From that previous blog:
1. Ring: she wasn't wearing it and I felt that this was mixed signals as she was making small steps forward to possible resolution. I told her that her excuse of "winter it breaks out my fingers" was a load of junk. I guess she understood and kind of laughed it off a bit. She hasn't put it on, but probably because she can't say she loves me right now.
2. Cellphone: I told her it was disrespectful and hurtful to me. I have to sometimes walk out of the room when she is using her personal cell and texting friends (by the way, I work for a competitor cellular company so read into that what you will). I told her that I would buy her a new phone for the plan she already had, if she would shut off her new one no matter what the charges, I didn't care about the contract. She knows that it does not build trust in us. I told her it was a double-standard that if I did that, I would have been kicked to the curb. She didn't seem too fazed by this and also laughed it off but said she would think about it.
3. Smoking: I asked her to quit but I can accept this for awhile as long as she is respectful of me as I don't like it. She said she is trying not to smoke in the car (which was a load of bunk, car smells like an ash tray) for the kids.
Other things were said for clarification and I just don't understand how the me and the kids were not enough. I know she told me before and continues to tell me that this really is about her and her trying to find her identity. So in other words, I got the "it's not you, it's me" excuse, 40 years old mid-life crisis. So now she tells me also she went back on her medication (for anxiety) because her FRIENDS say she needs to. Thats what I have been saying for weeks. But because it came from her loving husband its bunk?
Even though I felt better just after the discussion, I feel like junk again only hours later. She tells me when she is done with this it will be even better than before or we will part as friends. Of course I am fighting for the first. I cautioned her (probably not the right thing to do) that I will be here but I don't know if this goes on for a year or more, what kind of shape I will be in. She says it won't go on a year. How can she know. She said that I will know, sort of like a light switch from what was like when she told me she was running away.
So I ask the panel, gentlemen, ladies, I guess I stay the course of consistency showing each day by my actions that I love her, stay in the home, take the small steps for what they are. Any other advice to ease my pain and keep my mind off this crud she is subjecting me to?