socialdistortion wrote:Dear Thunderhorse,
Do you really listen to your wife unconditionally for 15 minutes everyday? I think that is awesome. What does she say? Is this fun or painful? Does she know she is being timed? I don’t think I could talk or listen to anyone for 15 solid minutes…
Social Distortion
Ps- What about the other 23hrs 45 minutes?
Before I understood that my wife was venting and connecting unrelated thougths, it was painful for me, because I thought she was trying to be logical, and tried to respond with logic, in a logical framework.
Once I understood that Feelings, not logic, was the topic of conversation, then I could listen, without trying to fit my wife's comments into a logical framework.
I would ordinarily prefer to be doing something else, rather than listening to my wife discuss unconnected ideas, thougths, feelings, events, history, religion, etc., but I deliberately take time to listen to my wife, for at least 15 minutes. I will invite my wife to talk, several times a day, with the idea that I have 15 Minutes to spend listening to her. I leave for work, 15 Min early, so that if she wants to talk, I can listen for 15 minutes, without being late for work. So even saying goodbye to my wife, when leaving for work, is an invitation to talk for 15 Minutes.
If I am listening, and my wife asks me about my opinions, or engages in a give and take conversation, instead of only venting, I can egage in coversation for longer periods of time. It is rare that my wife is actaully interested in any of my thoughts.
Once I begin to wish I was doing something else, while my wife is venting, I start keeping track of the time, to be sure I have been listening for 15 Min. Once the 15 Min is up, I will make comments like. "Can you summarize your points. "What would you like me to remember?" or "What can we decide on later?" I have occasoinally let my wife know that she has a guaranteed 15 Min per day to vent. I hope that she appreciates that I consciously make time for her venting, and that she should feel unrestricted.
One of my challenges is when my wife tries Darwin's wife's strtegy of saying she wants me to have identical religious ideas, so that she is sure that I go to heaven, so she is sure that she will not spend eternity without me.
Since my wife usually goes to church at least twice per week, and the preachers try to be interesting in their sermons, so the preachers talk about ideas people have not heard about recently. Having listened to creative sermons within the last few days, my wife usually has a rich array of unconnected thoughts on religion. So if my listgening helps her, great. If my wife appreciates my help, that is nice too.
The other 23 hours is just shorter spurts of separated listening episodes. Hopefully, there are occasional interludes of affection. It seems to be easier for my wife to be more approachable, after venting. Sometimes she becomes withdrawn, and reflective after bringing up strong issues. But usually she is in a better mood after talking.