Sex Addiction?

Sex Addiction?

Postby MrsBridges » Mon Jul 19, 2010 12:18 am

Now really, is there such thing as a sexual addiction?

Yeah, everybody has heard that thing that if you do something for 13 days in a row that it can become an addiction or whatever..

But when it comes down to infidelity, is that some sort of excuse?

Its like every celebrity/politician that has gotten into big doodoo over cheating on their wife claims to have an addiction to sex and runs off to some kind of sex rehab.

I understand that it may be difficult to end an affair, just as it is difficult to stop drinking, smoking, etc, but it's a completely different thing.

Any thoughts on this? It would be especially great to hear from someone that has been admitted to one of the sex rehab places..
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Postby ThunderHorse » Sat Jul 31, 2010 6:19 pm

Generally, Addiction is treated with one set of interventions, and habit control is dealt with using a different set of interventions.

So the reason to differentiate between the classification of a bad habit, as compared with an Addiction, is that a different set of interventions is likely to be be successful.

Most people would prefer treatment that is less rigorous, less expensive, and less inconvenient or disruptive.

So often the definition of Addition is derived by trying less rigorous, and less expesnive options. Then when the less expensive options have failed, the bad habit is classified as an Addicton, for which in-patient treatment would be warranted.

I can imagine that addiction treatments require more personal motivation, for change, and the support of friends and family can play an important role in providing support for addiction treatment for afflicted individuals.

I have also experienced the term "addiction" being used as a means to garner sympathy. If one spouse can convince friends/family that the other spouse is Addicted to whatever, Then the Non-Addicted spouse is Innocent, and Not an enabler or trigger spouse, because the other spouse is Addicted, and hopeless.

A first step in addressing addiction, would be to identify people and activities that are providing an enabling or triggering concepts. It is important to address the enabling/triggering issues, because if the addicted individual goes awayto in-patient treatment, and gets rehabilitated, then returns to the Addiction Enablers, the enabling/triggering issues will need to be addressed later, but sooner might be better.

Various addiction retreat centers will have different rules for contact with family and friends at different stages of time, progress, relapse, and rule violations. So if you have a friend who is away at rehab, it might be wise to mail a letter, or phone to speak to staff, to find out how to best be supportive to the recovering addict. Aslo be aware that what was OK one week, may have gotten rescinded the next week. Variation in privileges for a wide variety of seemingly illogical reasons is the cornerstone of many successful residential addiction treatment programs.

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