Romantic Ideas

Romantic Ideas

Postby shyboy89 » Fri Dec 21, 2012 2:02 pm

I have a hard time coming up with romantic ideas to do for my wife. Our work schedules are different in that she works typical daytime hours and I work from 2-10. Does anyone have some ideas to help save my marriage?

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Re: Romantic Ideas

Postby ThunderHorse » Sun Dec 23, 2012 6:36 am

Are you successful in encouraging your wife to vent for 15 minutes a day? Can you call your wife on break from work and encourage her to vent, over the phone for 5 or 10 minutes, as a start?

Do you have other people to listen to your ideas, so you don't burden your wife with your ideas on politics, sports, religion, philospy?

What little things can you change to be more romantic, as you arrive home in the evening?

What about your marriage makes yhou feel that it needs saving?
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Re: Romantic Ideas

Postby shyboy89 » Thu Dec 27, 2012 1:41 pm

I've tried by surfing the web for ideas to be more romantic but the majority of them are either really corny or just things that take a lot of time to do in preperation. I've been trying really hard and have used some of the ideas but none of them seem to work. I've explained my frustration to my wife and I'm not really getting encouragement or ideas from her for things I can do. She is a very stubborn person and it's been hard getting used to that. It makes the relationship really difficult with our differing work hours because we don't get to spend much time together. What are some ideas I could do when I get home from work?
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Re: Romantic Ideas

Postby ThunderHorse » Sun Dec 30, 2012 4:38 pm

When you walk in the door, get her to start venting about what she feels. What subjects hae you indicated that you don't want to talk about? What subjects have you indicated you arleady have your mind made up? What are your wife's frustrations on her job? What quesions can you ask her to get her talking for 15 minutes?

I started a thread on Foreplay. But until you have listeded to your wife's ideas for 15 Minutes, you won't get to First Base.

What movies put your wife in a good mood? Are you watrching the news when you get home?

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Re: Romantic Ideas

Postby ThunderHorse » Tue Jan 01, 2013 6:42 pm

If you caress a woman too long, in one spot, then the woman sometimes gets tired of your touch in that place. Is that what you mean by your wife being stubborn?

Are you caressing for a few seconds, then retreating, to let her feeling of your touch turn into desire? What is the sequence of her becoming stubborn?

If you caress her pubic mound for 3 seconds, and back off for a few minutes, is eh smiling the nect caress you make, for a few seconds longer?

My wife has a re-approach time of 3 minutes. Some women are longer. What is the length of time from a rejection by your wife, to her accepting a fresh start, with a new caress in a new area?

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Re: Romantic Ideas

Postby BGB » Wed May 22, 2013 12:33 pm

My best successes have always been when I listen to what my partner has said and then DO IT!

If you pay attention, she'll mention things...could be a small thing like her favourite flower, a meal she really likes (that you can cook for her), a movie she's always wanted to see and lots of other simple stuff.

Also, pay attention in movies or out with other couples for her saying 'did you see that - how he did such-and-such for her??' Then wait a couple of weeks or months and do it for her.
Does she have a favourite romantic movie (or does she go to different ones that all seem the same to you)? Find out what the main character does and do some of those things (if you can stand them - lots of cheese in those sometimes. Thanks Hollywood for making romance something so unattainable and ridiculous so women are unhappy and men are screwed).

Lastly - surprise her. My experience is women love random acts of romance that come out of the blue. Makes them feel special (so send her flowers at work, leave her little love messages in her sock drawer, make dinner and leave it for her when she gets back from work with a nice note...)

Hope that helps.
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