a womens place is in the home?

a womens place is in the home?

Postby banyard » Wed Dec 06, 2006 11:07 am

I'm a tv researcher looking for men who think that their wifes place should be in the home. Basically thinks that we should go back to the 'good old days' when women knew their place within a marriage.
anyone think like that?
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Re: a womens place is in the home?

Postby Patriarch Verlch » Thu Dec 07, 2006 1:31 am

banyard wrote:I'm a tv researcher looking for men who think that their wifes place should be in the home. Basically thinks that we should go back to the 'good old days' when women knew their place within a marriage.
anyone think like that?

You are looking at him!!!

Do the math man, 47% of successful workign women making 100,000 a year are childless. Despite the fact that 4 out of 5 women want to be married!!!

For every 1000 a woman makes per month, it increases her chance of divorce by 2%.
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Postby banyard » Thu Dec 07, 2006 6:31 am

So are you in a good 'traditional' marriage now? Does your wife look after your ever need and obey you?are you very much then leader in the relationship?
If the answer to the above is NO. do you know anyone who is in a happy, yet traditional relationship like this that i could speak with?
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Re: reply

Postby Patriarch Verlch » Thu Dec 07, 2006 11:10 pm

banyard wrote:So are you in a good 'traditional' marriage now? Does your wife look after your ever need and obey you?are you very much then leader in the relationship?
If the answer to the above is NO. do you know anyone who is in a happy, yet traditional relationship like this that i could speak with?

Well I want more children, so I am sending my wife to the home front for good.

She does reality what she wants as far as making extra income. The money she earns she spends on herself.

It is getting better every day. It took awhile to mentality beat all the feminist crap she injected growing up. It took about 5 years for the marriage to turn sain.

But now, it is great. No arguing about stupid crap. She admits that I am the leader and if she gets out of line I grab her arm and give her a playful smack on the ass.

We are happier than ever, and content!!!
Patriarch Verlch
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Postby banyard » Fri Dec 08, 2006 5:40 am

Would you be willing to talk to me on the phone? I'm doing a documentary for British tv.
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Postby Patriarch Verlch » Sat Dec 09, 2006 2:38 am

banyard wrote:Would you be willing to talk to me on the phone? I'm doing a documentary for British tv.

Yeah sure...

When would you like to chat?
Patriarch Verlch
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Reality check

Postby HHWW3 » Sun Dec 10, 2006 1:35 am

Get for real. We live in 2006/2007 No one can afford to live on just one income anymore especially in the United States.
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Re: Reality check

Postby Patriarch Verlch » Sun Dec 10, 2006 2:15 am

HHWW3 wrote:Get for real. We live in 2006/2007 No one can afford to live on just one income anymore especially in the United States.

Exactly what happened!!!

"If you women continue to demand your choice to work, you will so upset the economy of this country that the time will come when you will not have a choice. You will have to work."~ Helen Andelin of Fascinating Womanhood.

My grandfathers both had stay at home wives. Both had humble beginnings, one eventually sold machinery and started a business, and the other owned a farm. Only 35% of their income went to bills. They both had three children, a house bought and paid for, two cars, vacation property, stocks, bonds and other investments. Both put all 6 of their children through college with no debt. When they all 4 of them died after spending years in nursing homes, they still had hundreds of thousands in the bank, coupled with all the stocks and bonds.

Nowadays with women working, the salaries simply shrunk. Now companies had a larger labor pool to choose from, and because women were just secondary income, they would work for cheaper than the men. This drove down wages to the point now, women cannot afford not to work outside the home.

In Spain the average women spends 20 hrs. per week just ironing her families clothing. IN America, fat lazy wives who stuff their fat children's faces full of fast food, do about 20 minutes of housework a week!! Despite the fact of working less than men, and having less stress than their husbands. The husbands of which die a full 7 years on average, before their under stressed wives. Oh yeah and don't forget that men have 95% of all on the job deaths!!!

So, getting back to my point, now 85% of the money we make goes to bills, on average. Simple economics, wages fall, and prices rise. The market will charge what the market will bear!!! Working women outside the home are making us all miserable!!! Go home already!!!

Mix in the fact our nations currency is structured to benefit the rich and the rich only(rich men own and print our currency, W. Wilson we have to thank for the Federal Reserve Act), they will deflate us out of house and home. Look at your Deed, you are tenants on their land.

100 years ago only 10% of dirt poor women worked just to survive. Now 75% of women work. And 75% of those women that work, work in poverty wage jobs at $10.00/hr!!!! Then they go home to messy homes let uncleaned!!!

Feminism was a bad idea, and only benefited the rich by driving down wages by increasing the competition for the same jobs!!!

Some man somewhere is in jail because some woman took the job he needed to support his ex wife through alimony and child support! We need to end child support and alimony as the children should go to those that can afford them, the fathers!!!!

I challenge anybody to come down off their high horse and challenge the information I presented and not me personally!!!
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Postby LovingWife » Mon Dec 11, 2006 12:08 am


You confuse me. Are you ranting about feminism, or are you talking about the topic that was posed? I can't figure out from your post what your point is. Women shouldn't work? But yet you point out that it takes 2 incomes to survive. Sorry, but I don't feel personally responsible for shrinking wages in the US.

I work full time because I choose to. It also improves my family's standard of living. My house is clean (not spotless), my children are happy and all are honor roll students. My husband claims to be happy, so I will take his word for it.

Granted, my children are all school age. When they were babies and preschoolers I worked part time, and a parent was always home.

I don't see why I should expect my husand to solely support 6 people on one income. Besides, like you point out, housework doesn't take much time these days. I do a few loads of laundry during the week on my days off. Together, the girls and I clean the house on the weekends. My husband does the yardwork and is in charge of dinner 3 nights a week.

Amazingly enough, my house is pretty clean, none of us are fat, and generally we are thriving.

If I stayed at home while my husband was working and my children were in school I would be bored silly. Besides, I would feel like a slacker. Thank God women have choices today and aren't forced to stay home if that isn't where they want to be. I love my career, and I also love my family. I do both and I do them well. I am very supportive of my friends who choose to stay home full time, as it is the best choice for their families. The best choice for MINE is for me to work.
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Ambitions in a marriage

Postby MarineOfficer » Thu Dec 21, 2006 10:05 pm

I decided a long time ago that the woman I would marry would have to be at least as ambitious as me, and with as much drive to go places and do things. I am fortunate to have found that in the love of my life. I do not think that she could ever be happy just sitting at home, ironing clolthes and washing laundry. Plus, I'm the main cook, so it's not that she can't, it is that I prefer to, and she's okay with that. We share the cleaning, we work about equal hours. I make more, but that is based on the fact that she is willing to move on very short notice across the country or whever, in support of my career.

Would I let her sit at home if she wanted to? Yes, if that makes her happy. But I know that she wants to be out grinding, and I love her for that. So I let her do that. We do not have kids, so that of course makes it easier. Could we live on one income? Sure, but not nearly as well as we can on two.

Nobody can turn back the clock, put pandorra back in the box, unbreak the mirror, chose whatever metaphor you want. There are a lot of crack pots out there (you can decide if you fit in that category or not) that feel desires to go back in time to a suppossed better past. Nobody has yet presented any hard evidence that A.) life was any better back then (I doubt seriously that it was), and B.) that people lived as well as we do now, especially on one income.

Of course, there are those that did. Vanderbilt made his fortune without his wife raising a finger. Does that make it the norm? No. So should my wife sit at home? No. She should do what will make her happy, and leave her filling usefull and self fulfilled.

I'll say it. If you think your wife should sit at home, cook, clean, and "do your bidding," then to me you are an idiot. I've been to Iraq twice now, what would she have done during that period, sit at home and stare at the wall?
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Postby Patriarch Verlch » Fri Dec 22, 2006 4:27 am

The whole point was to get women out of the home, to work and pay taxes! Plain and simple!

Here are the problems of women working. 47% of women that make 100k are barren and unmarried. Compared with 16% of men.

For each 1000 dollars a wife makes, it increases her chance of leaving her husband by 2%. Thus the more independent a woman feels, the more likely she is to scram if the husband doesn't spend a lot of time catering to her every whim.

Oh, and 85% of women file for divorce as well.

So get this, with women working they do these things.

1. Kill their unborn babies to protect their job in a cubicle.
2. Divorce the fathers of their children if he doesn't change and do X Y and Z at the right pace, and with a smile.
3. Raise children in fatherless homes (85% of criminals come from broken homes)
4. spend more time working than with the fruit of their wombs.
5. spend more free time shopping and with their friends than the fruit of their wombs.

So, if you guys think empowering women was anything other than destructive, you deserve a brick upside your head.

So called empowered or "independent" women are not raised to take care of a family. That job, is a man's job. Women are programmed to care for themselves first. Remember the tired line "I don't need a man."

Yeah, these women don't need a man, until its time to pay the mortgage. Either married to a man, or divorced to him.

Your wife is taking a job from a man that has a family to support. Your wife is a greedy bitch, just like mine!!! Just look how many millions of men are unemployed! Actually 40 scant years ago 95% of men worked, now only 85% of men work. We can thank self centered American women for that!!!
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