What is it with men and internet porn

Re: What is it with men and internet porn

Postby daveisnotwell » Wed Jul 22, 2009 4:31 pm

BiBi77 wrote:I discovered, by accident, that my husband had visited some online sites. He denied it and went through an elaborate explanation of how internet sites can be linked together, unbeknownst to the user. What gives?

he's probably embarassed.

there are two sides to this issue. on the one hand, porn is just like anything else: in moderation, it's fine and mostly not harmful. (i say 'mostly' because little is known about how the performers were compelled to participate). but in excess, it's a full blown addiction, complete with escalating patterns and compulsive and destructive behaviors.

i am no expert, but i have read that if the porn viewer requires continually higher levels of stimulation (involving images like younger-looking females, humiliation, violence, or other things out of the norm of regular sex) it's a sign that s/he has become desensitized. it's not unlike a drug addict needing more to maintain the high. (and the "high" is not just an analogy, there IS a high involved).
other signs might include an inability to become or maintain arrousal during actual sex, or spending hours in front of the computer disengaged from the real world.

if this is your husband, get help. if not, let him jerk it once in a while. it's fun and at least he is not cheating or in danger of catching anything. maybe you can participate. =-)
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Pornographic messages

Postby infidelitysucks » Wed Aug 04, 2010 4:14 pm

This is so weak. Every one acts like there must be something missing in every marriage that this poor innocent guy has to turn to porn! F*CK!@all!! STOP blaming the victim!

It is not a wife's fault a man cheats! Marriage vows-FORSAKE ALL OTHERS! Husbands do not need to look at other womens vaginas! That is NOT forsakeing all others!

Wives do not have to accept the porn as if it is the only option to his cheating. That is not the only option. He can look at his wife's vagina! How about that!!!!

Men screw up in relationships a lot! Women don't run out immediately to lookat dick! I am so sick of those responses!

This is an actual, hurtful act of betrayal! It ruins marriages!

And the other answer- are you giving him enough sex? Well geez- I WAS! Until I found all the porn and got so completely turned off! Some women do not want f*ck an infidel husband!

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Re: Pornographic messages

Postby KittyAffair » Sun Aug 29, 2010 9:19 am

infidelitysucks wrote:This is so weak. Every one acts like there must be something missing in every marriage that this poor innocent guy has to turn to porn! F*CK!@all!! STOP blaming the victim!

I'm not sure there is a victim in this scenario. Is it really such a big deal that man looks at internet porn? I've never understood the outrage or how people get this strange idea that you can marry a man and he suddenly will be something other than a man.
Now of course there are men who are out of control or addicted to internet pornography, but in most cases it's just men being men. Men are hardwired as sexual creatures who are stimulated by physical beauty. Men have an evolutionary need to be "on the prowl". I think we do ourselves a disservice expecting that we can marry a man and then that man will only look at one single woman sexually for the rest of his life. It's a romantic concept, but it's totally unrealistic.
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My two cents on Internet Porn

Postby matthewk » Fri May 27, 2011 5:09 pm

Hi all, new to the site, found Dr. Scott's book on the SOHMM, and decided to surf this site.

I've been married, fairly happily, for 25 years, with children. My wife is not the least bit interested in sex with me (haven't enjoyed ANY for 3 years). I am still super sexual, as most men are, so I admit that I regularly use fairly tame internet porn. It's a "regular people" site and I admit, I do it because I long so desparately for "regular marital sex" and it frankly comforts me to know that even though I don't enjoy it, it does still exist. Btw, my wife and I have been having therapy for years, with no progress in the intimacy department. Our therapist is not partial to either of us, and though she believes our asexual relationship is not healthy, she respects my wife's choice to say no. Bummer.

Would I rather make love to my wife than use porn, HELL YES! Would I drop porn like a hot potato if she wanted me, YOU BET! I'm not happy that this is the route I take to satisfy my desire, but I'm not leaving my marriage and my family and I'm not planning on being castrated either so I guess this is how it is.

Does porn progress to worse things? Hasn't in me for many years, not to say that it doesn't happen to others. I'm not interested in an affair. I don't believe in affairs, they are simply wrong. Yet, I am well aware that my wife doesn't approve of porn so I view it discretely, without her knowledge. Again, I'm not happy about that, but that's an imperfection that I live with.

Life ain't perfect. I am doing the best I can under difficult circumstances -- in the physical intimacy department. Otherwise, I love my wife completely and am devoted to her and my family. I also hope for change, but honestly, my hope fades a little every day. So THAT'S why I'm reading Dr. Scott's book. I am hoping for the best and, like all good men described in the book, will take the JOB approach to marital improvement!

I wish you all well.

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Postby charlie.d » Sat Jun 11, 2011 12:24 am

"Would I rather make love to my wife than use porn, HELL YES! Would I drop porn like a hot potato if she wanted me, YOU BET! "

Good man. Your story is quite different than the ladies here who's husbands are turning to porn. I don't see any of them stating that they were witholding sex in the relationship previous to the feelings of inadequecy brought on by the spouse and pornography.

In your case, it seems, your wife has a good husband on her hands... presuming you are being honest in saying you would drop the porn at her say so. It seems that you are.
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Depends on the situation

Postby RWeber108 » Fri Jun 17, 2011 10:31 am

My husband and I have movies we watch together. Once I found one that he had hidden from me. I was a bit upset, why hide this one? As it turned out it was purchased at a time a few years back when we separated (you could tell, it wasn't anywhere near new). He found it packed up in our stuff when we moved recently and stuffed it in a suitcase to hide from our kids. When I asked him why he didn't just tell me or throw it away, why I had to find it - he said, I was afraid you would be mad and could not throw it away for fear the kids would get it. I don't think my husband would cheat. Men just like watching people have sex. For some men it can turn into more, but sometimes they keep it to themselves for fear of our anger. My advice? Get a movie for couples, watch some together and I bet he will quit watching it secretly.

I also found out while taking out the trash the other day the hidden movie was stuffed in a box and thrown out. (Never been so relieved for the garbage bag to break and also see what he means about the kids finding it - they usually take out the garbage.)
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Good feedback

Postby matthewk » Fri Jun 17, 2011 12:55 pm

Thanks CharlieD. I am sincere in what I am saying, thanks for the positive feedback. It is very hard to be objective about my situation. It is hard to be in love, yet be so tortured and alone -- the old approach/avoidance pattern. I am coming to the conclusion that my wife is blocking me from getting closer to her, seemingly an unconscious defense mechanism but the more I consider it, the more obvious it seems to me. I'm still pondering how to work through that with her.

Weber, that's a great story with a positive outcome. So glad for your sucess. Why do we males hide things? Obviously the hidden porn was something very pleasurable for him yet it represented a "lie" on his behalf. To expose the lie is very shameful, very shameful. We men will work hard to avoid shame for the primally negative emotion it illicits in us. So glad that his love for you and integrity won in the end. I wish somehow you could express your love and appreciation for his actions. That was a hard thing for him to do! Good for you both!

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